Please join us for a service to celebrate the memory of our loved one(s) followed by light refreshments and the opportunity to catch up with friends and family.
Stars with the names of our loved ones will be placed on a Christmas tree in the church and you will be given a candle to light in their memory during the service. Please use the form below to send us names for the stars.
This service has been arranged by Rennie Grove Peace High Wycombe Group. There is no charge for the service, but donations to Rennie Grove Peace Hospice Care can be made & gift aided at the service, or via the donation options below.
There is no need to book a seat for the service - all are welcome. You can also watch the service via our Facebook livestream here
Stars with the names of our loved ones will be placed on a Christmas tree in the church and you will be given a candle to light in their memory during the service. Please use the form below to send us names for the stars.
This service has been arranged by Rennie Grove Peace High Wycombe Group. There is no charge for the service, but donations to Rennie Grove Peace Hospice Care can be made & gift aided at the service, or via the donation options below.
There is no need to book a seat for the service - all are welcome. You can also watch the service via our Facebook livestream here
If you would like to make a donation towards the work of Rennie Grove Peace Hospice, you can do so via the button below or by BACs transfer to RGHW Fundraising bank account sort code 30-94-28, a/c 02122697 Ref:LUAL