Did you know that there are lots of opportunities to get to know us better, support our mission and develop new skills. We've included some of the ways below - to find out more, please have a chat with the listed contact or email Thistle in the church office.

Audio visual system – Barry Titchen
Join the brilliant team who manage our audio-visual system during services in Church and on Facebook. Training and support will be provided.
Join the brilliant team who manage our audio-visual system during services in Church and on Facebook. Training and support will be provided.

Bell ringing – Tricia Newton
We welcome visiting ringers and teach new recruits. We would be especially pleased to hear from any ringers (current or lapsed) who have moved into the area. Monday evening practice: 7:30 to 9:00 pm. Sunday morning service ringing: 9.15 to 10.00 am. Read more on our dedicated bells webpage
We welcome visiting ringers and teach new recruits. We would be especially pleased to hear from any ringers (current or lapsed) who have moved into the area. Monday evening practice: 7:30 to 9:00 pm. Sunday morning service ringing: 9.15 to 10.00 am. Read more on our dedicated bells webpage

Café – Mark Johnson (Church Ops)
Help serve tea, coffee and cake in the cafe for 1 or 2 hours per week or ad hoc as needed. Training and support will be provided.
Help serve tea, coffee and cake in the cafe for 1 or 2 hours per week or ad hoc as needed. Training and support will be provided.

Children's ministry support – Robyn Connelly
If you are interested in helping to support primary aged children in their journey of faith, please consider supporting Ark which is our children's ministry group during the main Parish Eucharist. Click for more details.
If you are interested in helping to support primary aged children in their journey of faith, please consider supporting Ark which is our children's ministry group during the main Parish Eucharist. Click for more details.

Children's ministry young helper – Robyn Connelly
If you are at secondary school, have a passion for working with younger children, and would like to make a worthwhile volunteering contribution to your community, then a Children's ministry young helper's role would be great for you! Click for more details.
If you are at secondary school, have a passion for working with younger children, and would like to make a worthwhile volunteering contribution to your community, then a Children's ministry young helper's role would be great for you! Click for more details.

Choir – Philip Wayne
All Saints has a long-standing choral tradition singing repertoire from the Middle Ages to that of contemporary composers. We welcome additional members in all voices (SATB) who can commit to regular rehearsals and services - although we are flexible and would be pleased to discuss what contribution can be offered. Find out more via our dedicated music webpage.
All Saints has a long-standing choral tradition singing repertoire from the Middle Ages to that of contemporary composers. We welcome additional members in all voices (SATB) who can commit to regular rehearsals and services - although we are flexible and would be pleased to discuss what contribution can be offered. Find out more via our dedicated music webpage.

Concert Steward – Mark Johnson (Church Ops)
Do you enjoy listening to live music? Concert stewards welcome performers, assist with Health and Safety compliance and unlock/relock the building. Concerts are ad hoc, usually at the weekend, and stewards may need to be present for up to eight hours although this could be shared with one unlocking/covering the rehearsal and the other relocking/covering the concert. Training and support will be provided.
Do you enjoy listening to live music? Concert stewards welcome performers, assist with Health and Safety compliance and unlock/relock the building. Concerts are ad hoc, usually at the weekend, and stewards may need to be present for up to eight hours although this could be shared with one unlocking/covering the rehearsal and the other relocking/covering the concert. Training and support will be provided.

Finance – John Lord
Join our small team to help with financial transactions and/or analysis. Training and support will be provided.
Join our small team to help with financial transactions and/or analysis. Training and support will be provided.

Flowers – Pat Lea
Beginners and experienced flower arrangers are welcome. As well as creating new arrangements, practical help is needed to water the flowers and keep them looking fresh during the week.
Beginners and experienced flower arrangers are welcome. As well as creating new arrangements, practical help is needed to water the flowers and keep them looking fresh during the week.

Furniture movers – Mark Johnson (Church Ops)
We are fortunate to have such a flexible space in our building and when activities and events in church need something different to our “Sunday set-up” we have to move the furniture! Help us with the Repair Café on the 2nd Saturday of each month (09:15-10:00 and/or 13:00-13:45) or join our team of furniture movers supporting one off events.
We are fortunate to have such a flexible space in our building and when activities and events in church need something different to our “Sunday set-up” we have to move the furniture! Help us with the Repair Café on the 2nd Saturday of each month (09:15-10:00 and/or 13:00-13:45) or join our team of furniture movers supporting one off events.

Intercessors – Revd Jackie Lock
Support our worship by preparing and leading the intercessions (prayers) at the 10am Sunday service, once every two or three months. Guidance and support will be provided.
Support our worship by preparing and leading the intercessions (prayers) at the 10am Sunday service, once every two or three months. Guidance and support will be provided.

Readers – Mark Johnson
Read the Old or New Testament lesson (reading) at the Sunday services, about once a month. In particular we are looking for people to read at the evening service. You will be given details of your reading in advance!
Read the Old or New Testament lesson (reading) at the Sunday services, about once a month. In particular we are looking for people to read at the evening service. You will be given details of your reading in advance!
Servers & Communion Assistants – Alison & David Adamson
Communion Assistants distribute the wine during the communion at the 10am Sunday service. Servers assist the priest at Sunday services and other special services. Servers at the 8am service also distribute the wine at Communion. New team members would be very welcome. Training and support will be provided. |

Sidespeople - Lis Burns
Sidespeople greet us as we arrive at church for services, hand out service sheets, take and count the collection, guide people and assist with tidying afterwards. Most help out once a month, but ad hoc support is also appreciated. We currently have vacancies on the 1st, 2nd & 5th Sundays of the month at the 10am service and 2nd Sunday of the month at the 8am service. Guidance and support will be provided.
Sidespeople greet us as we arrive at church for services, hand out service sheets, take and count the collection, guide people and assist with tidying afterwards. Most help out once a month, but ad hoc support is also appreciated. We currently have vacancies on the 1st, 2nd & 5th Sundays of the month at the 10am service and 2nd Sunday of the month at the 8am service. Guidance and support will be provided.

Small Saints – Robyn Connelly
If you have a passion for supporting young families with children aged 0-5 and are able to help us out during Friday mornings (term time only) then being a Small Saints volunteer could be the role for you! Click for details.
If you have a passion for supporting young families with children aged 0-5 and are able to help us out during Friday mornings (term time only) then being a Small Saints volunteer could be the role for you! Click for details.

Sunday refreshments – Lis Burns
Everyone enjoys their tea and coffee (& biscuits!). Serving refreshments after the 10am Sunday service is a vital part of our community life. Could you help on an occasional basis? Guidance and support will be provided.
Everyone enjoys their tea and coffee (& biscuits!). Serving refreshments after the 10am Sunday service is a vital part of our community life. Could you help on an occasional basis? Guidance and support will be provided.

Welcomer – Mark Johnson (Church Ops)
The welcomer team work mostly drawn from the All Saints congregation greet visitors as they arrive, provide information on the church, its history, services and activities. The usual commitment is 1-2 hours a week on a rota basis or ad hoc as needed. Guidance and support will be provided.
The welcomer team work mostly drawn from the All Saints congregation greet visitors as they arrive, provide information on the church, its history, services and activities. The usual commitment is 1-2 hours a week on a rota basis or ad hoc as needed. Guidance and support will be provided.