8.00am Holy Communion - Said (Onsite)
10.00am Parish Eucharist (Onsite & Online)
President Fr. Anthony Searle, Team Rector
Preacher Derek Lancaster (LLM)
AM113 When candles are lighted v1-4,8,12,13
Setting Mass of St Thomas - Thorne
Psalm 24.7-10
Alleluia Salisbury (AM377 v1 only)
AM701 King of the ages
AM396 Faithful vigil ended
Anthem Nunc Dimmitis - Jackman
AM258 O thou who camest from above
5.00pm Choral Evensong (Onsite & Online)
Officiant & Preacher The Revd. Jackie Lock, Assoc. Priest
Introit Hodie Beata Virgo Maria – Shepherd
Responses Clucas
NEH54i O Trinity of blessed Light
Psalm 122
Canticles Evening Service 1 – Jackman
Anthem Christ, who glory - Darke
NEH451 Songs of praise the angels sang
NEH267 The spacious firmament on high
8.00am Holy Communion - Said (Onsite)
10.00am Parish Eucharist (Onsite & Online)
President Fr. Anthony Searle, Team Rector
Preacher The Revd. Jackie Lock, Assoc. Priest
AM488 Church of God, elect and glorious
Setting Mass of St Thomas - Thorne
Psalm 138
Alleluia Salisbury (AM377 v1 only)
AM450 Jesus calls us here to meet him
AM621 Dear Lord and Father
Anthem Jesu, joy of man’s desiring – JS Bach
AM477 Go forth and tell
5.00pm Parish Evensong (Onsite & Online)
Officiant & Preacher Fr. Anthony Searle, Team Rector
NEH480 In Christ there is no east or west
Psalm 2
NEH407 Lord thy word abideth
NEH419 O Holy Spirit, Lord of grace
8.00am Holy Communion - Said (Onsite)
10.00am Parish Eucharist (Onsite & Online)
President Fr. Anthony Searle, Team Rector
Preacher Fr. Anthony Searle, Team Rector
AM618 Come, thou fount of every blessing
Setting Mass of St Thomas - Thorne
Psalm 1
Alleluia Salisbury (AM377 v1 only)
AM557 Beauty for brokenness
AM430i Bread of heaven, on thee we feed
Anthem The Lord bless you and keep you - Rutter
AM821 When in our music God is glorified
5.00pm Parish Evensong (Onsite & Online)
Officiant & Preacher Derek Lancaster (LLM)
NEH383 Jesu, lover of my soul
Psalm 6
NEH477 tNEH408i Ye that know the Lord is gracious
NEH415 tAM742ii O for a thousand tongues to sing
8.00am Holy Communion - Said (Onsite)
10.00am Parish Eucharist (Onsite & Online)
President The Revd. Jackie Lock, Assoc. Priest
Preacher The Revd. Jackie Lock, Assoc. Priest
AM702 Led us, heavenly Father, lead us
Setting Mass of St Thomas - Thorne
Psalm 103
Alleluia Traditional
AM763 Praise to the holiest in the height
AM832 Calm me Lord, as you calmed the storm
Anthem Never weather-beaten sail - Campion
AM623Eternal Father, strong to save
5.00pm Parish Evensong (Onsite & Online)
Officiant & Preacher Derek Lancaster (LLM)
NEH369 Happy are they, they that love God
Psalm 147
NEH493 Rejoice, O land, in God thy might
NEH252 The day thou gavest
8.00am Holy Communion - Said (Onsite)
10.00am Parish Eucharist (Onsite & Online)
President Fr. Anthony Searle, Team Rector
Preacher Derek Lancaster (LLM)
AM113 When candles are lighted v1-4,8,12,13
Setting Mass of St Thomas - Thorne
Psalm 24.7-10
Alleluia Salisbury (AM377 v1 only)
AM701 King of the ages
AM396 Faithful vigil ended
Anthem Nunc Dimmitis - Jackman
AM258 O thou who camest from above
5.00pm Choral Evensong (Onsite & Online)
Officiant & Preacher The Revd. Jackie Lock, Assoc. Priest
Introit Hodie Beata Virgo Maria – Shepherd
Responses Clucas
NEH54i O Trinity of blessed Light
Psalm 122
Canticles Evening Service 1 – Jackman
Anthem Christ, who glory - Darke
NEH451 Songs of praise the angels sang
NEH267 The spacious firmament on high
8.00am Holy Communion - Said (Onsite)
10.00am Parish Eucharist (Onsite & Online)
President Fr. Anthony Searle, Team Rector
Preacher The Revd. Jackie Lock, Assoc. Priest
AM488 Church of God, elect and glorious
Setting Mass of St Thomas - Thorne
Psalm 138
Alleluia Salisbury (AM377 v1 only)
AM450 Jesus calls us here to meet him
AM621 Dear Lord and Father
Anthem Jesu, joy of man’s desiring – JS Bach
AM477 Go forth and tell
5.00pm Parish Evensong (Onsite & Online)
Officiant & Preacher Fr. Anthony Searle, Team Rector
NEH480 In Christ there is no east or west
Psalm 2
NEH407 Lord thy word abideth
NEH419 O Holy Spirit, Lord of grace
8.00am Holy Communion - Said (Onsite)
10.00am Parish Eucharist (Onsite & Online)
President Fr. Anthony Searle, Team Rector
Preacher Fr. Anthony Searle, Team Rector
AM618 Come, thou fount of every blessing
Setting Mass of St Thomas - Thorne
Psalm 1
Alleluia Salisbury (AM377 v1 only)
AM557 Beauty for brokenness
AM430i Bread of heaven, on thee we feed
Anthem The Lord bless you and keep you - Rutter
AM821 When in our music God is glorified
5.00pm Parish Evensong (Onsite & Online)
Officiant & Preacher Derek Lancaster (LLM)
NEH383 Jesu, lover of my soul
Psalm 6
NEH477 tNEH408i Ye that know the Lord is gracious
NEH415 tAM742ii O for a thousand tongues to sing
8.00am Holy Communion - Said (Onsite)
10.00am Parish Eucharist (Onsite & Online)
President The Revd. Jackie Lock, Assoc. Priest
Preacher The Revd. Jackie Lock, Assoc. Priest
AM702 Led us, heavenly Father, lead us
Setting Mass of St Thomas - Thorne
Psalm 103
Alleluia Traditional
AM763 Praise to the holiest in the height
AM832 Calm me Lord, as you calmed the storm
Anthem Never weather-beaten sail - Campion
AM623Eternal Father, strong to save
5.00pm Parish Evensong (Onsite & Online)
Officiant & Preacher Derek Lancaster (LLM)
NEH369 Happy are they, they that love God
Psalm 147
NEH493 Rejoice, O land, in God thy might
NEH252 The day thou gavest