The High Wycombe Sanctuary, HWS, or Safety Hub, is a wonderful example of All Saints discovering new ways to fulfil its mission in a modern urban context. In collaboration with our partner organisations including the police, HWBidCo, Street Angels, we are seeking to offer a much needed place of peace, safety and hope on Saturday nights.
The Sanctuary aims to provide a place of:
A place of safety for young people who are feeling potentially vulnerable, e.g. when waiting alone for a lift/taxi home, or after an incident/issue during the evening. A safe place to rest and chat.
A place to be comfortable, warm, and quiet if the events of the evening have become too much. We aspire to also becoming a triage point for medical incidents.
A place where tea and coffee are made available, and young people’s emotional and psychological needs can be listened to, and appropriate signposting made.
If you are interested in listening to and supporting those who come into the Hub or if you would simply like to find out more, please email Revd Gareth Morley or visit the HWS Facebook page
The Sanctuary aims to provide a place of:
A place of safety for young people who are feeling potentially vulnerable, e.g. when waiting alone for a lift/taxi home, or after an incident/issue during the evening. A safe place to rest and chat.
A place to be comfortable, warm, and quiet if the events of the evening have become too much. We aspire to also becoming a triage point for medical incidents.
A place where tea and coffee are made available, and young people’s emotional and psychological needs can be listened to, and appropriate signposting made.
If you are interested in listening to and supporting those who come into the Hub or if you would simply like to find out more, please email Revd Gareth Morley or visit the HWS Facebook page